Halfway to prusa

The Buckybot aka. A sells Mendel is working great, other than my bad pulleys. I have to print up a batch and bring them to work and setup the drill press proper, or cut the laser cut version on the cnc at work, I just don’t like using the 1/16mm drill bit or rather haven’t used it yet. I managed to get half a prusa printed. I love the absolute reduction in parts. I decided printing spare parts for a prusa would be quicker. I made the mistake when assembling the Mendel of not drilling out the holes. I basically threaded everything into the PLA pieces, thus making replacement of individual parts time consuming. The prusa on the other hand looks to be much simplified in this regard. Meaning one can easily snap parts out if need be. I might have to reprint the z motor brackets since I printed them oriented in the other direction. The turned out well enough I am just not sure if they’ll be as strong.
I have enough spare pololu’s and gen3 electronics I should be able to get a prusa Mendel running but after dealing with the simplicity of the RAMPS setup I’m not sure If I want to go back. Although with the post online of using hydrogen peroxide and vinegar with salt as the developer solution for circuit boards the RAMPS setup becomes even more appealing.

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